To improve data protection of the customer's information, only privileged users will now be able to view the customer's full BVN.
Only a user who has the User can view full BVN privilege on their role will be able to view the customers’ BVN details and by default, this is the user with Admin privileges.
To add this privilege to a user’s role, please follow the steps below:
Click on Settings
Click on Roles
Click on the specific role
Click on the checkbox for User can view full BVN
Click on Update
Please, note that the option to edit the role only applies to custom-created roles and not the default roles on the system (Client Developer, Application Reviewer, Loan Officer, Disbursement Officer, and Operations Manager).
The screenshots below show the difference between the view of a user with the user that has the User can view full BVN privilege and the user without the privilege.
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